Angular.js Training Courses

Modern Web Development The web landscape changes weekly. If you are a web developer then it is an almost impossible task to keep up to date with changes in the language syntax, tools, frameworks and related tools. Frameworks come and go at an alarming rate and it can be risky to adopt new technologies before they are mature.

This is a hands on course that will create real web applications / sites and deploy them using a free hosting service. It will also create - as an exercise - a progressive web application and an introductory mobile application using React Native.

AngularJS Programming This course introduces the AngularJS framework, which has become a popular JavaScript framework for the development of "single page" Rich Internet Applications. The AngularJS framework augments applications with the "model-view-controller" pattern which makes applications easier to develop and test because there is a separation of responsibilities within the code. Although there are many benefits to using the AngularJS framework it is fairly different than the way "typical" web applications involving JavaScript have been designed. This AngularJS training course will provide an introduction to the benefits of AngularJS, so course participants can start to develop responsive applications quickly using the framework.